12th Nov 2021

How Do Curtains Reduce Heat Loss?

How Do Curtains Reduce Heat Loss?

There are lots of ways to reduce heat loss in your home but few are as simple and easy to implement as adding the right curtains or even using your curtains effectively. Winter is approaching, and we could be set to spend more time than ever in our homes over the next few months.

So, it’s more important than ever that our homes are welcoming, warm and comforting. It’s also crucial for many of us to keep an eye on our spending during these uncertain times.

That’s why it’s key to heat our homes both effectively and efficiently, and you may not have considered the role your curtains can play in this.

Your curtains are a simple yet powerful tool for helping to keep heat in, therefore saving your heat energy and making your home more energy efficient. Following some easy steps can make sure you are making the most of your curtains insulating properties and keeping your home as warm as possible.

Can Curtains Block Heat?

Yes, curtains can block heat from both entering and exiting your home. This is worth considering when you’re trying to keep your home as warm as possible in an energy efficient manner over winter.

Closing the curtains during the daytime can actually reduce natural heat sources by stopping the sunlight from warming a room. So it’s best to keep them open to maximise on the warming effect of the sun where possible during the daytime.

How Do Curtains Keep Heat In?

The process of heat transfer is fairly simple. Most of the heat from your home is lost by the process of conduction. When the inside of your home is warm but the outside is cold, the warm air seeks the colder air and will gradually transfer. Heat will always find a way to flow from warm to cold, but we can slow the process. Windows and doors tend to be better conductors of heat than thick walls so much of the heat we lose from our homes is transferred this way.

Curtains simply add an extra barrier that helps to slow down this process. They are made of fabric, which is a fairly good insulator. Curtains will also form a barrier against cold air coming in, which could be due to small cracks that have developed around door or window fittings over time.

Reducing heat loss will save energy, making your home more energy efficient and ultimately saving money on your heating bills. So when the temperature drops and the sun isn’t out, closing your curtains really will help to keep heat in for longer.

Best Curtains for Heat Insulation

Most curtains will provide a certain level of insulation, although some will be better than others. Decorative, net and voile curtains are too fine to prevent heat loss alone. The best curtains for trapping heat will be thick, lined curtains which are heavy.

Some curtains have been specially designed to help minimise heat loss, and these are known as thermal curtains. They include a layer of acrylic foam between multiple layers of fabric to provide even more insulation than a standard fabric curtain.

If you really want to tackle all the sources of heat transfer in your home this winter, you might consider door curtains in some areas too. Patio doors often include large expanses of glass and even though they are manufactured to be as energy efficient as possible, drawing a curtain over them at night will provide extra insulation.

So, Do Curtains Help With Heat Loss?

To sum up, yes they do! For best results, follow these simple steps:

  • Keep curtains open during sunny spells in the daytime to make the most of natural light and heat.
  • Close curtains when it’s cold and dull, particularly at night, to reduce losing heat via windows and doors.
  • Choose an insulating curtain for best results, or a lined curtain. You could even line existing curtains to increase their insulating properties.

Make the most of your curtains this winter and feel the benefit of a cosy home. It’s easy, cost-effective but often overlooked! 

Explore our thermal curtains for a cosier & warmer home
